Q: Can (you) Reiki save my pet?

A: Reiki practitioners are not “healers” since it is not their own energy being used to offer healing; practitioners channel healing energy from the universe through them and out to the animal in need. However, as a practitioner, I do provide exactly what is needed for your animal's "highest healing good" and for the best outcome of their being.

Q: What happens during a session?

A: During a session, I begin a short distance from your animal, to give him a chance to experience the energy and evaluate it in his own way. Animals are more sensitive to energy than people and quickly understand what Reiki is and its healing potential. During a session, animals may come close to my hands and move away several times and often end up lying close by or under my hands, showing me which areas are most in need of healing. Once an animal becomes familiar with the feeling of Reiki, he experiences deep relaxation.

Q: My pet suffers from separation anxiety; can Reiki help?

A: Absolutely! I can provide distance Reiki sessions for your animal while you are away on vacation, business trip, etc. Reiki will provide an extra comfort to your animal by easing his stress and providing deep relaxation.

Q: What does Reiki feel like?

A: Reiki brings on feelings of peace and deep relaxation. Reiki can also be experienced as a sensation of mild heat, vibration, or pulsing.

Q: Does Reiki really work?

A: Animals are very sensitive to energy and enjoy Reiki; the extra attention and feeling of the energy generally draws them to the Reiki practioner. During a Reiki session, animals will usually experience total relaxation, and sometimes fall asleep, but the experience is unique to each animal and to each situation.

Since Reiki can also be sent effectively from a distance, this means it can be helpful with animals that are more aggressive without distressing them or risking any injury to them, their companions, or the Reiki practioner.

Q: How long does a Reiki session last?

A: Animals are always in charge of the length of their session, and will tell the practitioner when they are finished by moving away. The average length of a session is 20 - 45 minutes. The energy being transferred cannot exhaust the animal; Reiki works only to support energetic balance within the animal.

Q: Can Reiki harm my pet?

A: Reiki can never do harm. Reiki is gentle, non-invasive and only intended for the animal's highest healing good and best outcome.

Q: My pet is aggressive with other people. How can you provide Reiki?

A: Animals are very perceptive to the Reiki energy. Space and distance are not an issue, and I offer a "Distance Reiki" healing option. However, I require a photo of your animal  to help me visually connect to him and direct the Reiki energy.

Q: I am intrigued...What do I do next?

A: Go to the "Rates + Contact" page to review session pricing options. Please contact me by email or phone to discuss your animal's condition and schedule a session that best suits you and your animal companion. Or, you may place an order directly in the "Store".

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